A lot of people ask me about my favourite mindfulness resources

Meditation and mindfulness have become pretty mainstream and are no longer the domain of the ultra-enlightened. So it makes sense many folks are looking for easy to use mindfulness resources.

I’d love to share my favourite straightforward (and) super useful mindful tools you can use in your life. (today).

Before we get to the mindfulness resources let’s talk a little bit more about mindfulness in general.


What is mindfulness?

Being “mindful” means you are living moment to moment, paying close attention to your thoughts and everything around you, without judgment.


Why does mindfulness work?

When looking at happy-fying our relationships with food, establishing a regular formal mindfulness practice (like meditation) can work really well.

Mindfulness aids our attention, focus and can support us in reducing stress, anxiety & depression. Importantly, one of the keys to “getting the best” out of mindfulness lies in making it a regular part of (every) day.

It’s also a good idea to find a mindfulness practice that you actually enjoy and fits with your life. It could be meditation, yoga, tai-chi and if not, perhaps something a bit less formal like mindful walking.


So here we go,

My top 15 mindfulness resources

I’ve divided the list into books & ph apps. Just click on each title to read more.

Books/reading on mindfulness

  1. The Headspace Guide to Mindfulness by Andy Puddicombe (New York: St Martin’s Press. 2016)
  2. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn (Boulder: Sounds True Inc 2016)
  3. The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris (Boston: Trumpeter Books 2008)
  4. Real Happiness The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg (New York: Workman Publishing Co Inc 2010)
  5. The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh (London: Rider & Co 2008)
  6. Radical Acceptance. Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha by Tara Brach (New York: Random House 2007)

Meditation ph apps

  1. Calm
  2. Headspace
  3. The Mindfulness App
  4. Smiling Mind
  5. Welzen
  6. Insight Timer
  7. 10% Happier
  8. Simple Habit
  9. Happify

Keen to learn more?

Maybe you might like to try our FREE 5-day mindful eating challenge?  It’s a fab way to include informal mindfulness into your day.

free mindful eating challenge